Co-op for Community Nominations
Nominations for 2024 are open from September 8 through October 6
Every month on Wednesday the Co-op will partner with a local non-profit and donate .5% of our sales for that day. Each year Rising Tide owners elect 11 local non-profits to partner with us
Please, take time to participate in this year’s Co-op for Community nominations. In Mid-October we will vote to elect 11.
CCD Partner Eligibility
- 501 (C) 3
- Based in Maine
- Makes a measurable, direct impact on Lincoln County residents
- Schools, religious organizations, and political groups are not eligible
- Agree to CCD Partner responsibilities
- Set up and maintain an information table each Wednesday for at least two hours, during the organization’s CCD month.
- Provide informational material for in-store promotion
- Promote CCD partnership via social and print media, word of mouth, etc.
- Coordinate with Rising Tide staff for award photos and language for press release
- You must be an active owner of Rising Tide to nominate. If you are not sure about your ownership status, please contact
- To Nominate visit this Survey Monkey’s Nomination Form OR pick up a nomination form in the store.
- Thank you for being a dedicated owner of Rising Tide Co-op!